Women's Health

Tulsa Women's Health Services

See below for a list of services offered by Magnolia Health.

Wellness Exams

Your annual wellness exam is a yearly routine check up to ensure that you are healthy both inside and out. During your visit you will be asked a detailed health history and have a breast and pelvic exam which may include a pap smear. Your provider will make recommendations on screening tools that could help detect certain health issues as well as prevent future issues.


Genetic testing is a test that can be ordered by your provider that may identify changes in genes, chromosomes, or proteins in your body. The results of the test can tell your provider if you are at risk of certain genetic conditions, such as some cancers.


Birth control prevents pregnancy and can either be reversible or permanent. Magnolia Health offers many birth control options including but not limited to: implantable devices, oral birth control pills, patch, vaginal ring, and the “shot." It is important to establish a trusting relationship with your provider to discuss which option is right for you.


It is estimated that 14% to 25% of women experience some form of an abnormal or irregular menstrual cycle at some time in their life. Abnormal menstrual cycles may be shorter or longer than normal, heavier or lighter than normal, or accompanied by cramps. There are many options for treatment of bothersome periods so it is important to discuss these symptoms with your provider.

Pap Smear Management

A Pap Smear is a test your provider may recommend to check your cervix for any cells that are not normal. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus, which opens into the vagina. Abnormal cervical cells, if not found or not treated, can lead to cervical cancer. If you have an abnormal pap smear other procedures and close follow up may be needed, depending on your risk.


Our focus on preventative medicine includes offering breast health services. In addition to your yearly breast exam, your provider will help you determine appropriate screenings and educate you on performing your regular home breast exams. Our office can help you schedule and will review your annual mammograms.

Disease Diagnosis & Treatment

If you are sexually active, especially with more than one partner, it is important to be screened for sexually transmitted diseases. Screening can be done with a simple office visit. It is important to discuss screening with your provider as you may not have any symptoms of infection.

Care Services

We offer limited primary care services to women including the diagnosis and treatment of common illnesses such as a cold or the flu, management of minor chronic conditions, annual checkups, and other health screenings with a focus on preventative medicine. We offer some recommended vaccines as well. Please discuss this with your provider at your visit.

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